This Glass Door Tutorial Was Made In PSP 7.02 Page 3
I used PSP 7.02 for this tutorial
You will need PSP of course for this tutorial
if you don't have it you can get a free trial
of the latest version of PSP to play with for
30 days download it by clicking on the logo,
but the tools are not all in the same places
as in PSP 7.02
You will need my Selections zip file if you decide
not to make it the hard way get them
Save the zip file then open and install it to your
selections folder in PSP.
You will need my glass insert zip file get them
save the zip file then open and save the glass
patterns to your patterns folder in PSP, save the
inserts to your working tutorial folder.
You will need my glass door hinge zip file get it
save the zip file then open and save it to your
working tutorial folder then open it in PSP.
If you want to use Blade Pro or Super Blade Pro
you will need my preset clear glass-ec.q5q or
clear glass-ec.q9q get it
save the zip file then open and save it to your
working plug-ins folder clear glass-ec.q9q Blade
Pro/environments and textures or clear glass-ec.q5q
Super Blade Pro/environments and textures
then open it in PSP.
If you don't have BP or SBP and you don't want
to use the glass pattern Download this zip file
of the knob
unzip and save it to your Hard Drive in your
tutorial working folder.
(Note: You may also use this knob as a diamond
gem for other projects.)
Making the Top Window Frame
1.) Open new image size 500w x 850h transparent 16 mil.
2.) Add new raster layer and name it Top Frame.
3.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Top_Frame-ec.sel.
4.) Flood fill selection with cream color I used #FFFAE7.
5.) Go to Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel Set at:
Preset Name = Groove
Bevel Shape = Vee Row #2 Column #4 Shape #8 from
left to right.
Width = 4
Smoothness = 0
Depth = 5
Ambience = 0
Shininess = 0
Color = White
Angle = 315
Intensity = 50
Elevation = 30
6.) Add new raster layer and name it Main Frame.
7.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Main_Frame-ec.sel.
8.) Flood fill with the cream color.
9.) Repeat 5 inner bevel. Deselect.
Adding The Bottom Door Frame
10.) Add new raster layer name it door frame.
11.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Frame_Frame-ec.sel.
12.) Flood Fill with cream and repeat 5 inner bevel.
Adding The Glass To The Door
13.) Add new raster layer and rename it Glass Insert 1.
14.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Insert1-ec.sel.
15.) Open Glass Insert and copy and paste into selection.
16.) Add new raster layer and rename it Glass Insert 2.
17.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Insert2-ec.sel.
Copy and Paste into selection. Deselect.
18.) Add new raster layer and name it Frosted Glass.
19.) Open image frosted_glass-ec.jpg or door_glass-ec.jpg
copy and paste door glass into selection or flood
fill with frosted glass pattern. Deselect.
20.) Duplicate Frosted Glass layer and go to Image/Mirror.
21.) Duplicate Frosted Glass layer again and go to
Image/Flip move into place.
22.) Duplicate The last frosted glass layer you just
did and go to Image/Mirror and move the Main
Frame layer to the top so all frosted glass
layers are below.
23.) Hide layer1, Top Frame and Door Frame layers and
merge/visible rename layer Door.
Adding The Glass To The Top Door
24.) Add new raster layer and name it top windows.
25.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Top_Windows-ec.sel.
26.) Flood fill with gold background.
27.) Go to Selections/Modify/Contract by 5.
28.) Select the frosted_glass.jpg or door_glass-ec.jpg
pattern and flood fill the inside of the windows
with it. Deselect.
29.) Hide layer1, Door layer and Door Frame layer merge/
visible and rename it Top Frame.
30.) Hide layer1 and Door Frame layer and merge/visible
and rename it Glass Door.
Adding The Hardware To The Door
31.) Add new raster layer and name it Brass Plate.
32.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Brass_Plate-ec.sel.
33.) Flood fill it with a gold gradient set at:
Style = Liniar Gradient
Angle = 315
Repeats = 0
Invert gradient box NOT checked.
34.) Go to Effects/Noise/Add Noise of 5 Uniform.
35.) Go to Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel Set at:
Preset Name = soft flat edge
Bevel Shape = Flat Row #1 Column #2 Shape #5
from left to right.,br>
Width = 2
Smoothness = 0
Depth = 4
Ambience = -30
Shininess = 0
Color = White
Angle = 315
Intensity = 50
Elevation = 60
36.) Add new raster layer name it Door Knob.
37.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Knob-ec.sel.
38.) Flood fill with your door_glass-ec pattern or with
cream and go to Super Blade Pro and use the preset
clear_glass-ec.q5q. If you don't have super blade
pro just use the door_glass-ec or the frosted_glass-ec
pattern and flood fill it with that. Deselect.
Add a slight drop shadow set at: Vert. = 3, Horiz.
= 3, Opacity = 50, Blur = 3.5 or so.
39.) Add new raster layer and name it Keyhole.
40.) Go to Selections/Load from disk Door_Keyhole-ec.sel.
41.) Flood fill with black.
42.) Hide all layers but the keyhole, door knob and brass
plate layer merge/visible rename it door knob.
43.) Make the top layer active and open the hinge tube and
copy it.
44.) Paste as a new layer rename the layer Hinge and position
it close to the top betwen the door line and the frame
line. Image/Resize layer to about 35% Un-check Resize all
45.) Duplicate layer and go to Image/Flip and move it down close
to the bottom.
46.) Duplicate the Hinge layer again and move to the center of
the door left edge.
47.) Hide all layers but the hinge layers and merge/visible
rename it hinges. Add same drop shadow but change vert.
& horiz. to 2.
48.) Hide the Hinges layer, Door Frame layer and Layer1
Merge/Visible rename layer Glass Door.
49.) Now you can hide layer1 and merge/visible and save it as
a tube or animate it or flood fill layer1 with a pattern
and save it as a jpg file.