Making A Glass Insert With Selections In PSP
This tutorial was done in PSP 7.02
You will need PSP of course for this tutorial
if you don't have it you can get a free trial of
the latest version of PSP to play with for 30 days
download it by clicking on the logo, but the tools
are not all in the same places as in PSP 7.02
You will need my Selections zip file for this one
save the zip file then open it and save the
selections to your Selections folder in PSP.
You will need my Center Design zip file for
this one
save the zip file then open it and save the
design to your Tutorial folder.
You will also need Super Blade Pro or Blade
Pro by Flaming Pear for this tutorial to get
a free trial to play with for 15 days
check it out here.
You will need my Blade Pro or Super Blade
Pro presets clear glass-ec.q5q or clear glass-ec.q9q
get it and cut crystal glass-ec.q5q or cut crystal
glass-ec.q9q both are included in the zip file
save the zip file then open and save it to your
working plug-ins folder clear glass-ec.q9q Blade
Pro/environments and textures or clear glass-ec.q5q
Super Blade Pro/environments and textures then open
it in PSP.
You will need my glass patterns zip file if you don't
have the plug-in Blade Pro or Super Blade Pro get them
save the zip file then open and save the glass patterns to
your Patterns folder in PSP.
Making The Glass Insert With Selections
1.) Open new image size 400w x 800h Black 16 mil.
You should have something like this:
2.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/
Load from Disk = gold_outer_shape2-ec.sel and
flood fill with your gold pattern or white
and add a gold Super Blade Pro.
(If you use the gold pattern you will need to
use an inner bevel.)
Go to Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel set at:
Bevel Shape = Round Row #1 Column #2 Shape #2
Width = 31
Smoothness = 0
Depth = 100
Ambience = -29
Shininess = 0
Color = White
Angle = 315
Intensity = 100
Elevation = 90
You should have something like this:
3.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = outer_glass_shape2-ec.sel and flood
fill with a clear glass pattern or white and use
the clear glass preset. Deselect.
You should have something like this:
4.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = gold_outer2_shape2-ec.sel and flood
fill with a gold pattern repeat inner bevel or
white and use the same gold Super Blade Pro preset.
You should have something like this:
5.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = center_frosted_glass2-ec.sel and flood
fill with the frosted glass pattern.
You should have something like this:
6.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = inner_gold_shape2-ec.sel and flood
fill with the gold pattern repeat inner bevel or
white and use the same gold Super Blade Pro preset.
7.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = inner_glass_shape2-ec.sel and flood
fill with a clear glass pattern or white and use
the clear glass preset. Deselect.
You should have something like this:
8.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = inner_gold2_shape2-ec.sel and flood
fill with the gold pattern and repeat the inner
bevel or white and use the same gold Super Blade
Pro preset. Deselect.
You should have something like this:
9.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = outer_gold_oval2-ec.sel and flood fill
with the gold pattern repeat the inner bevel or white
and use the same gold Super Blade Pro preset. Deselect.
10) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = glass_oval2-ec.sel and flood fill
with a clear glass pattern or white and use the
clear glass preset. Deselect.
11.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = center_gold_oval2-ec.sel and flood
fill with the gold pattern repeat inner bevel or
white and use the same gold Super Blade Pro preset.
12.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = center_glass_oval2-ec.sel and flood
fill with the frosted glass pattern. Deselect.
Adding The Center Design
13.) Copy the gdi_center_design-ec.psp and paste
as a new layer. Use the deformation tool to
center it. (If you used a darker gold you may
have to darken the center design to do this go
to Colors/Brightness/Contrast set the brightness
to about -60 you may have to play with the setting
to get it to look right and the Contrast to 0.)
14.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = top_gold_design-ec.sel and flood fill
with the gold pattern or white and use the same
gold Super Blade Pro preset. Deselect. Move layer
below all oval and center layers.
15.) Add new raster layer and go to Selections/Load
from Disk = top_frosted_design-ec.sel and flood
fill with the frosted glass pattern.
Deselect. Move layer below all oval and center
16.) Duplicate the two design layers and go to Image/Flip.
17.) Select the background layer and add a new
raster layer and go to Selections/Load from
Disk = main_shape2-ec.sel go to Selections/Invert
and flood fill with the frosted glass pattern.
18.) You can flood fill the background layer with
another pattern or leave it black and Merge/
Merge all flatten and save as a jpg or delete
the background layer and Merge/Merge/Visible
and save as a tub file.
Note: All preview images are made with flood
fill patterns and colors no Blade Pro or Super
Blade Pro presets where used.